poppy field


Branch News

 As a way of thanking many of our hard-working members, and also to raise awareness of our brilliant branch and services we provide, we hold many events throughout the year and all proceeds go to the Royal British Legion. 

From BBQs and days out to quizs and its a knockout, we have certainly had a number of memorable events in recent years. Take a look at some we have had in the last few years and also make sure you make a note of future dates in your diary! Click below to view.

2019 AGM

     Remembrance Sunday 2018

Remembrance details 2018  
2018 Annual Quiz  
Crawfords Leavers 2016  
Armed Forces Day Lunch 2018  
RAF baton reaches Suffolk  
Help us find our WW2 veterans  
Calling all stall holders  
Parish Magazine report 2018
 Remembrance Sunday 2017  2017
Save Remembrance day...  2017
Where to meet for Remembrance Sunday 2017
Members visit the National Arboretum  2017
 Poppy Appeal Recruitment drive   2017

SERV blood bikes visit the branch


Branch meetings to change

Quiz and BBQ 2017
Armed Forces Week Gallery 2017
Volunteers week  2017
Haughley Garage Sale 2017
Games evening - Wetherden Maypole 2017
Parish Magazine May edition 2017
Legion raceday - Newmarket 2017
 Legion magazine initiative 
 Veterans Gateway 


Bowling with scouts  2017
Ixworth vs Haughley games evening part 2 2017
John Cattermole Obituary 2017
Kevin Havelock - Defibrillator talk 2017
Ixworth Vs Haughley games evening 2017
Remembrance Sunday 2016
Affiliation Day   2016      
Suffolk Legion Day and County Rally (Press Releases) - Only 2016
Community Engagement 2016
Poppy Launch Concert 2015
Armed Forces Day  - 'The annual branch roast beef'! 2015
Madhatters Fun Day 2015
Anzac Day 2015 Ipswich
Wattisham Heritage Museum visit 2015
Scouts games evening 2015
Remembrance Sunday 2014
National Poppy Appeal 2014
Lights out 2014 2014
Moving the Flag Pole 2014
Armed Forces Lunch 2014
Family Fun day 2014 2014
AGM 2014 2014
The scout necker and Haughley RBL 2009