poppy field


Date: 19th January 2017

Where: The Greyhound pub, Ixworth

There were 5 attendees from Haughley RBL namely, yours truly, Sue John, Eve Smith and Peter & Jacquie Turner.

Tim Hart was not able to attend.
There were two series of games,  Partner Dominoes & Pool. Having performed so brilliantly at dominoes on the previous occasion we collectively decided not to play and plumped for Pool.
Our first game was between Peter & Jacquie. Jacquie started really well and Peter was struggling. At the point that Jacquie had 1 ball to pot whilst Peter had 4 it all went wrong. Jacquie potted her ball but try as she might she couldn’t pot the black. As a result Peter started to come good potted all 4 of his balls followed by the black. Peter goes through.
The second game involved myself and my sparring partner from dominoes the previous time, Dennis. I got off to a very good start and then went off the boil a bit but fortunately for me Dennis didn’t pot much and I was developing a real edge. Then a stroke of luck, Dennis in attempting to pot a red ricocheted into the black and put it down. Bernie goes through.
The third game involved Eve Smith,  a gentleman by the name of Tom and was without a doubt the most entertaining game of the evening. As neither player had any great skill it made, in an odd way, a closely fought contest. For example Eve’s cueing had to be seen to be believed and she often missed the cue ball and if she did hit it, would then miss the target ball. This of course constitutes a foul shot and gave Tom two shots. Tom  did strike the cue ball and did hit the target ball only for the cue ball to end up in a pocket. Two shots to Eve. This scenario continued for some time and the Landlord was thinking he’d need an extension to his opening hours. The audience which started  with three or four people now gathered en masse, all proffering advice on how to play and needless to say all contradictory. Ultimately Tom gained the upper hand and whilst Eve did manage to pot a couple of balls (no mean achievement allowing she was laughing so much) Tom ultimately won. Big round off applause from the audience. Great entertainment and great fun.  
The final game was between Peter & Sue and as a result of Sue regularly potting the cue ball  Peter soon gained the upper hand and went on to win quite handsomely. I did endeavour to instruct my missus but to no avail.
So Peter and myself are through to the next round of pool and I am still in the darts as of course is Tim.