poppy field

West Felton

The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.

View our News & Events calendar for details of West Felton Remembrance events.


As the custodians of Remembrance, The Royal British Legion calls on the nation each year to unite in commemorating Remembrancetide, a duty West Felton Branch has historically taken very seriously, as have the people of West Felton.

Remembrance Concert 8 November: The village hall was full for the annual Concert given by the Orthopaedic Choir, led by Isobel Clare, accompanied by Catherine Wilson, compere Royal British Legion Branch President, Andy Young and featuring, WF School children. The school performance was outstanding, heart and soul commitment by all the little children who obviously loved performing. Mrs Maddocks’ hard work and great care for her pupils is plain for all to see. The Orthopaedic Choir were in fine voice and their repertoire well chosen and much appreciated.

Legion Branch Chairman, Keith Diggens received the Standard from Standard Bearer, Kevin Homewood and Andy Young introduced the choir and mentioned several absent choristers, particularly Barry Barnes who was in hospital. 

The Legion branch takes this opportunity to thank those who set out the hall, Eileen Hanmer, Christine Curtis and Dorothy Barnes, the ‘caterers’ behind the scenes and all who provided sumptuous refreshment for the performers. Also those who provided raffle prizes. Iain Butler set out his stall in the foyer to sell Poppy souvenirs and, in all, more than £550 was raised for Poppy Appeal 2013, a big increase on last year’s bumper amount.

Remembrance Sunday: Legion members joined the large congregation at St Michael’s church for the morning service, led by Rev’d Tony Sparham whose thought-provoking homily included a chain saw - something that gave a few of the ladies a bit of a start! Standard Bearer Kevin, Branch officers and members were in attendance. As usual, Sylvia Williams’ flower display was a triumph in red, white and blue.

Monday November 11th at 11am:  Remembrance weekend concluded with a lovely service at the village war memorial led by Rev’d Tony involving two classes from West Felton School and a good congregation from the village.The union flag was dipped in salute for the respectful silence by Jack Owen, Chairman Keith read out the names on the Roll of Honour. Last Post and Reveille were played by branch President Andy and Dave Jones was Standard Bearer.


From: Gary Bryan   Date: 11/11/2013

I would be very grateful if you would take the time to read a poem that my 10-year-old granddaughter wrote to mark Remembrance Day. This was something she wasn’t asked to do, just something she thought would be a good idea. Once we read this poem, we realised we had something special and wanted to share it with you. This morning, her mother showed this poem to her headmaster who was so impressed that he will be reading it out in assembly. My granddaughter’s details are: Alice Bryan, aged 10, she lives in Oswestry and attends Woodside School.

ALICE’S POEM  - exactly as she wrote it

To all the people who wanted to survive
Who had no choice to live or die
We wear our poppies to show our respect
This is what everyone should espect,

The ones in trenches, the ones in the air
The ones on the ground and everywhere,
This is what they needed to do
For there country but wanted to move.

You see how hard life is for them
All of the woman, children and lots of the men
All of them wanted to turn around
"Why is it me" then he frowned.

And as we look upon their graves
All the red poppies are in the shade,
If everyone could help with a lot of might
The poppies could come into the light,

We want this to happen and is so keen
To be respectful and not be mean
To all the people who wanted to survive
Who had no choice to live or die

Alice Bryan, age 10, Woodside School, Oswestry

West Felton Memorial

Children of West Felton Primary School pay their respects.

Remembrance Sunday