poppy field

Old Basing

The Poppy Appeal in Old Basing & District


Poppy Appeal total to date 2024-25


Old Basing: Cash £12,650.67 + Contactless £7,455.05 + QR £304.50 = £20,410.22

Hook: Cash £10,380.07 + Contactless £13,970.50 + QR £167.00 = £24,517.57



The Poppy Appeal total for 2023-24


Old Basing £14,540.14 + Contactless £8068.50

Hook £6674.21 + Contactless £5087.00


We cannot adequately thank the many people who contributed to make this possible.



Poppy Appeal October/November 2025

Anyone who is interested in helping in collect for us either at Chineham Shopping Centre or Hook Tesco or Sainsburys should phone Tim Russell on 07772 883964 or email

Poppy Appeal