poppy field


We are ANBI authorised, please find the details at the bottom of this page.

Donations can be made directly to our branch of by using the QR-code below.

General bank account (NEW) 
Name: The Royal British Legion Holland Branch
IBAN: NL20 RABO 0360 42 13 34



We are pleased to confirm that the branch has been granted ANBI status. It is now possible to deduct donations to the branch from your income taxes.

Shown below is the published data that we are required, by the belastingdienst (tax office), to show on our website;

Name of the institution: The Royal British Legion Holland Branch

RSINumber:  8503 53 300

Postal Adress: Dirk Vreekenstraat 157, 1019 DP, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide welfare, comradeship, representation and Remembrance for the Armed Forces Community.


To ensure that Remembrance is kept alive and sacrifices of servicemen and women are never forgotten.

To ensure that the ex-service community has a voice and their concerns are brought to the public eye.

To provide financial, social and emotional care and support to all members of the British Armed Forces, past and present, and their families.

To be the National Custodian of Remembrance.

To safeguard the military covenant between the nation and its armed forces.

Branch Officials can be found here.

Remuneration Policy: All elected officials serve on the commitee as volunteers in an unpaid capacity. Expenses may only be claimed on production of valid invoices covering necessary expenditure on behalf of the Branch.

Past Activities: The Branch continues to uphold the policy of The Royal British Legion by attendance at many Memorial and Remembrance services throughout the year. In addition we hold our own National Service of Remembrance on the second Sunday in the month of November.

We have a small number of British veterans residing in The Netherlands and we retain a reasonably close contact with them to ensure their well-being.

We are involved in facilitating the hosting of British veterans during their commemerative visits to our area.

Our Branch Officials meet every three months to discuss matters arising and a newsletter is sent to all members on a regular basis.

Financial Statements can be found here.