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The Gnosall & District Branch, The Royal British Legion invites all supporters of the Legion to join as members.

Everyone is welcome to join the Legion, regardless of whether or not you have a Service background.

Benefits of Legion Membership

As a member you will receive a free subscription to Legion Magazine which comes out six times per year and has lots of information about the Legion's work throughout the country and abroad.

You can take part in social and sporting activities at local level in your Branch or Club and also at national level.

You can become involved in ceremonial events, for example indirectly through your entitlement to tickets for the Festival of Remembrance, or directly by becoming a Standard Bearer.

As a member you have a voice in the organisation and can vote at your local Branch.

With our large membership, the Legion maintains a high profile in the public eye, which helps our lobbying effort in Westminster.

As the nation's custodian of Remembrance your membership of The Gnosall & District Branch, The Royal British Legion ensures the continuing memory of the sacrifice made by our Service personnel.

How to join



Our Branch name is the "GNOSALL & DISTRICT BRANCH" and our Branch number is BR3145.


To join Our Branch of the Legion, you pay an annual membership fee of £18.00 up to September 2020



Thank you for supporting The Royal British Legion