General Description
Its colours are blue and gold. In the Dexter (upper left for the observer) corner is the Union Flag, which is composed of the crosses of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick, symbolising unity, chivalry and our loyalty to our Sovereign, community and nation. The fact that Standards are dedicated before being taken into use, and after service are laid up in sacred or public buildings, helps to maintain the atmosphere of veneration with which they are regarded. The blue indicates loyalty and fidelity and the gold signifies service - "as gold is tried by fire" - and reminds us of all those who gave their lives for our country.
Rallying Point
The Standards like regimental colours should be looked upon as the rallying point of the branch, and as a constant symbolic reminder of the original Legions' strap line "Service not Self".
The Royal British Legion Standard, original designed in 1922 by Colonel E C Heath, the first General Secretary of the British Legion. It made it's first appearance in June that year at the Crystal Palace Sports Day.
It was first paraded as the National Standard at the Annual Conference Cenotaph Service in 1924, on Whit Sunday. By the end of 1928, one in every three branches had their own Standards.
This 1929 photograph below is of HRH the Prince of Wales presenting the Kent British Legion with their first County Standard as a special ceremony in Mote Park, Maidstone Kent.