poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

Byfield & District RBL's Meetings' Minutes

of The Royal British Legion, Byfield and District Branch (BR0205)

OUR LAST BRANCH MEETING, which was also our AGM, was on Monday 6th November 2023 at our usual place.

                                  DUE TO A COMPLETE LACK OF SUPPORT FROM OUR REMAINING MEMBERS,                                        those who were at that Meeting had to vote to close our Branch. We had been serving our community for seventy six years...


Our usual venue was in Byfield Village Hall's Meeting Room NN11 6UT (W3W///daydream/solar/handbook) BUT on occasion, we will meet elsewhere in our District, see NOTICES herein.

This section contains our Committee Meeting’s MINUTES

MINUTES are ARCHIVED here as individual sub-pages to this page - see left side bar and "click-on" the Meeting Archive Year to see the Minutes within that year's archive.

Meeting Dates & Venues (all commence at 2000hrs) are displayed on our NOTICES page, and, usually, at the end of the Minute. VISITORS to our meetings, especially our "SPEAKER MEETINGS" are welcome for £1/head BUT be warned, we'll try to RECRUIT you

For records of Minutes, please visit our archives' sub pages herein - before that you'll have to refer to paper copies held by our Branch.


DIGITAL RECORD? We have decided that the Minutes recorded here form a useful digital archive and so from December 2015 (kept in the "2016 archive"), we intend to maintain that year-on-year. Through this medium we hope everyone will now be able to follow what we do. We also hope that families will be able to show this to some of our older Members, who might not have access to a computer of their own.

Our Branch Meetings always begin with The Act of Remembrance followed by the Loyal Toast. Those present are listed and apologies recorded. As those items are a formality, the Minutes' précis published here will not particularly mention those. Similarly, as this is a public domain, the Chairman & Secretary reserves the right to edit from the précis any items considered sensitive.

Our meetings can be quite formal and usually attract about a dozen Members; however as we often have Speakers, those do swell our attendance (see Notices & Speakers' pages herein).

For info on those who have already spoken, go to our "Who has spoken" page.

More members would of course be welcome at all our meetings but as our District is made-up of many rural communities, some of those being quite small and relatively distant, we don’t expect too much, especially on a cold, dark winter’s night; in the summer however...

REMEMBER there are (were) always Members willing to pick-up others from the far corners of our area at any time of the year, and return them home after our meetings... JUST CONTACT any of our Officers if you wish to take advantage of that offer.

Minutes appearing here will be recorded monthly in arrears, as another standard item would be the formal acceptance of those previous meeting's Minutes.

From our meeting in December 2015, the most recent set of Minutes will appear at the top of the "tree" with previous Minutes being recorded below each subsequent set month by month.
