poppy field

Brussels Branch

Our branch committee members' details are listed below.  They will be delighted to help you with any questions or queries you may have.  


Branch President

Zoe White                                  zoezoew@hotmail.com

Branch Officers

Dennis Abbott Brussels.Chair@rbl.community 

Vice Chair

Jean-Pierre Pede  brussels.treasurer@rbl.community; jppem.jp@gmail.com

Secretary Andrée Ferrant andree.ferrant@hotmail.com

Jean-Pierre Pede brussels.treasurer@rbl.community

Branch Committee members
Branch Community Support Representative

Mika John Southworth mj@southworth.me

Membership Secretary

Rhoda Grant brussels.memsecretary@rbl.communityrhoda@argrant.net

Poppy Appeal Organiser David Bizley David.bizley@hotmail.com  
Events Coordinator

Philip Hyde (commemorations) Philip.Hyde@ncia.nato.int

Steve Grant (battlefield tours) Brussels.Publicity@rbl.community 

Facebook Coordinator Alain Brogniez broal.redcoats@skynet.be 
Web Coordinator

Scott Wilson scofranwil@hotmail.com

Newsletter Coordinators

Michael Whitburn michael.whitburn@vub.be

Scott Wilson scofranwil@hotmail.com

Committee Member

Ann Morley annmorleybelgium@gmail.com

Committee Member

Jean-François Husson jfr.husson@gmail.com

Branch Chaplain

Rev. Canon John Wilkinson john.wilkinson@holytrinity.be

Standard Bearer

Freddy Roiseux calimerofreddy@hotmail.com