poppy field


Formed on 27th June 1921, we are proud to say that we are one of the oldest branches within the Royal British Legion.


Our branch officers are:


Branch officers
Chairman Mr Trevor Dawson
Vice Chairman  Mr Gordon Preston
Secretary  Miss Kate Smith (07754 142822)
Treasurer Mrs Amanda Poole
Branch Community Support Reps Mr Fran Finnerty
  Mrs Ellie Dunn
  Miss Kate Smith
Standard Bearer  Mr John Gallagher
Deputy Standard Bearer Mr Andy Anderton
Poppy Appeal Organiser Mrs Lisa Anderton
Committee Member Mr Andy Anderton
Committee Member Mrs Lisa Anderton
Committee Member Mr Fran Finnerty
Committee Member Mr Jayson Rigby
Committee Member Mrs Ellie Dunn
Committee Member Mr Mick Holland
Committee Member  
Official Photographer Miss Chelsea Anderton


All enquiries should be passed to our branch secretary on 07754 142822.