poppy field


FlagsRBL.gif               Silver Poppy 25th Anniversary Web

Our Branch Officers and Committee for 2022 - 2023 are:

Branch Officers and Committee
Chairlady Pamela Wilding  torrevieja.chairman@rbl.community 602 465 115
Vice Chairman Mark Benton torrevieja.vicechairman@rbl.community 711 082 211
Hon Secretary Peter Savidge torrevieja.secretary@rbl.community 680 153 887
Hon Treasurer Geoff Thomas torrevieja.treasurer@rbl.community 669 903 335
Branch Community Support Representative Michael Ross torrevieja.bcs@rbl.community 687 289 854
Standard Bearers

Mike Whitbread (Parade Marshall)

Danny Kay

Geoff Thomas

Keith Devonish

Tony Adams







Poppy Appeal Organiser  Danny Kay rosendanes@yahoo.co.uk  
Social Secretary David and Moira Corfield



648 015 116

615 575 278

Webmaster & Press Officer Keris Fleming flemingkeris@gmail.com  

Committee Members


Wendy Thomas

Carol Taylor

Mick Whitbread

(Parade Marshall)





697 453 289

711 001 1283


 Parade Marshall  Mike Whitbread mikewhitbread89@gmail.com 634 188 032

For more information regarding the Branch, please contact our Secretary, on 966 721 574  or via email at Torrevieja.Secretary@rbl.Community

For assistance please contact our Branch Community Support Officer, Reggie Winks on 663 894 389 or via Email at : torrevieja.bcs@rbl.community 

If emergency assistance or advice is required, please contact: the District Community Support Officer: Mrs Pamela Twissell Cross mobile: 676 451 780 Monday - Friday between 09.00 and 14.00                                              email;  SpainNorth.CommunitySupport@rbl.Community

Outside those hours please contact the UK call centre 7 days a week 0808 802 8080 or 0044 203 376 8080
