poppy field

Royal Wootton Bassett

The Poppy Appeal in Royal Wootton Bassett

The sum collected so far from a Stall in Sainsbury’s, High Street Saturday stall and collecting tins throughout our District (Lyneham, Bradenstoke, Broad Hinton, Broad Town and Avebury) is £12,102.62 and will grow more once all information is in.
Many thanks to the people of Royal Wootton Bassett and the surrounding community for their support of a cause close to many people’s hearts. It is greatly appreciated by those it helps.
A very special thank you is also extended to :
The small team of volunteers that came together to prepare for the two-week madhouse that is Poppy Appeal. From decorating town lampposts with Poppy’s, delivering Tins and Poppy’s to all the willing traders in the District. Then when the two-weeks is over, collecting it all in and removing the Poppy. 99% of the volunteers are over 60.
The members and non members that manned the stall in Sainsbury’s Monday to Friday for two-weeks.
A very big thank you must go to 2491 Lyneham ATC Squadron and Royal Wootton Bassett Sea Cadets who manned both the Sainsbury's Stall and the High Street for the three Saturdays available to us during Poppy Appeal. They were a credit to their Leaders and youth of today.
And last but not least the small team of people who counted the collecting tins.
The Poppy Appeal Organiser Richard Collins is standing down this year and we are on the look out for a new Poppy Appeal Organiser as well as volunteers so please if you can help with this cause contact Richard Collins - richard.collins1960534@gmail.com