poppy field


Indian Curry Lunch - 7 March 19

Indian Curry Lunch at SEF(G)


On 7th March 2019 the  branch was privileged to be invited to a fund raising curry lunch in Ayrshire Barracks, courtesy of the OC SEF(G) Maj John Langridge and the RQMS WO1 Lofty Worboys. A superb and extremely delicious lunch was attended by over 70 persons, including a number of Branch members. 

The lunch raised €380 for the Poppy Appeal. The picture shows the OC handing this over to Col (Ret#d) Steve Owen, our Branch President.

We are extremely grateful to the OC, the RQMS and all staff who enabled this event and for the generosity of those who donated to our Charity.

And here a snap of the OC presenting us with the money
Cheque presentation.jpeg