poppy field


The Brüggen guided tour in July 2018


Brüggen tour

On Wednesday afternoon, 11 July 18, 12 of our members met up in the small town of Brüggen, some 20 kms west of Mönchengladbach, very close to the Dutch border near Venlo NL. The town has a long history and much of it was significant during the Middle Ages and Napoleonic times. During the Cold War the council area housed the largest base ammunition depot in Europe, since closed.

The afternoon started off by meeting the town guide who led us around the town for 1 1/2 hours describing its historic and not so old fetaures,including the importance in earlier times of the small river Schwalm flowing past the castle. The tour was to have been followed by a visit to the 'Hunting Museum' housed in the castle tower but time ran out on us. However participants received an entry ticket to the museum which they can use at any time.A cafe was chosen to refresh ourselves and later we sidled to the hotel 'Haus Neuenhofen' to partake of our previously ordered meals.

The overcast weather kept the searing sun away during the guided tour and the few spots of rain later chose to fall while we were at our meal. What luck!

All participants remarked how nice the afternoon had been and said 'We must do that again'. Maybe next year and another town.

From the photos you can see that everyone paid attention and enjoyed themselves.

 Brüggen 2