poppy field


The British Flair exhibition, 2018

Over the weekend 7 to 9 Sep 2018 (Friday to Sunday) the event British Flair was held in the grounds of Burg Linn, Krefeld. An information stand was manned by our Branch. To attract interest we also had a couple of games  - Hotwire device and Specialised Bullseye Darts. They both drew in customers who for a Poppy donation could try their luck and skill. They turned out to be very successful days for Poppy donations as we were constantly busy. Over €1,100 will be donated to the Poppy Appeal 2018 as a result.

The weather smiled on us. The harmonious team of Brigitte Owen, Monika Simmons,Steve Owen, Chris Everett, Chris Farrell, John van Gelder, Mike Garratt and Dick Simmons enjoyed their stints and found it extremely worthwhile.

The Sunday teamIMG_0310 (1)

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GLad at work