poppy field


Barbecue at the Bongartzmühle 2019

Bongartzmühle Barbecue 2019

The event last year proved so successful it was decided to repeat it again this year. We met up at around 2 PM at the mill in Viersen on Saturday, 17 August.

The Buschgens family, owners of the mill, were very happy to have our Branch as guests and 39 members and guests grasped the opportunity to get together, eat to our heart's content and enjoy ourselves.

Rudolf Buschgens invited those who had missed it last year to take part in a guided tour of the mill and explained it's workings. The mill and outbuildings are also a museum and Rudolf gave an insight into some of the milling machinery on display.

The barbecue fare and refreshments were enjoyed by all, with temperatures in the lower 30s adding to the enjoyment.

Members n' guests

 The grillmistress and hubby

The grillmistress and hubby


Rudolf says ...