poppy field


The Branch wins the Knox Shield Award 2023

The Knox Shield Award

This year the District of Germany Awards Committee made submissions to the RBL National Board for inclusion in their deliberations of worthy Branches re Awards. Amongst numerous submissions was one for the Knox Shield. The shield is awarded to an organisation or group for their willingness to work collectively with our local membership, increasing awarenessof our our charitable services.. The Branch submission reflected the close cooperation and the support given to the Branch by SEFG. It was made clear that the award should go to the Unit - however it has been awarded to the Branch for our close cooperation with SEFG.

Our Branch is not sending a delegate to the National Conference where the awards will be presented. The District Chairman, Dusty Millar, is attending and will accept the award on our behalf. On his return and at a suitable time the award can be passed to the Branch, probably during the BBQ at the Mill in August.

The Branch must be congratulated on this achievement. A letter will be sent to the SEFG chain of command, praising their support of the Branch.