poppy field


Potential Casewrorkers Induction Course (online)

The Branch Secretary has provided information regarding an online Caseworkers Course via his Email:

Alistair Clark,11.03.24, 17:37hrs


Branch Caseworkers Induction

 Keith Orton, Chairman of the Bergen-Hohne Branch has provided the folowing information:

Anyone who wishes to become a Branch Caseworker within the District of Germany needs to attend an induction session. This will be run by Keith Orton ( Chairman, District Welfare Advisory Committee) as a video conference so that everyone receives the same information. Date is the 21st of March, 19.00 hrs. Time required will be approximately 1 hour.

Here is the link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a5fdb0b4033d848f0a979bd9276a7f1ff%40thread.tacv2/1709539710660?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2268dc82bd-c73e-4588-b675-cd3999418ec2%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226258a8bb-b05f-4905-b333-7c545842d373%22%7d


Some points: All potential Caseworkers

  1. need to provide a reference as to their suitability to take on this sometimes demanding role.
  2. need to be fit as sometimes people live in high flats with no lifts etc;  preferably capable of driving in the dark; Reasonably computer knowledgeable as reports etc are generated online; Able to travel up to 50Km distance from home;
  3. Need to read the attached induction handbook “Introduction to volunteering”, including notes in yellow, complete the attached “now a little about you” and forward as indicated.
  4. Need to do all the above personally, not through their Branch, although the Branch needs to be informed of their application.

The link to the online course is given above. If necessary contact the Branch Secretary Alistair Clark :
