poppy field


Branch training needs - a message from our Chairman

Dear All,
I have received an email from the Membership Communications Officer asking all county/district and branch chairs to fill out a questionnaire on training needs sent out "In response to the overwhelming need for a more structured training programme and better learning opportunities for our membership, as outlined at conference, we are putting together a training plan for the next 12 months."  I am attaching a copy of the questionnaire to this email.
Could I ask you to loo look at the questionnaire and tick of what you think would be helpful to us (or "not required") under the columns as shown.  I personally could see Branch Treasurer, Branch Management, Branch Community Support (which seems to have taken over from what used to be the Care Worker training) and Standard Bearer Training.  One or two might have ambitions for posts at District for which  "County Management" could be of interest!
No return date is given but perhaps you could aim to send your return to me in a week to 10 days?
Best regards,





Membership Training Needs Analysis

From the list below, please select the training courses that your branch or county need

                                                                          Required for 10                  Required for more than
                                                Not required          people or less                          10 people

Branch Treasurer

Branch Management

Independent Examiner

Independent Examiner (Requal)


County Management

County Training Officer Training

County Youth Officer Training

County Conference Committee

Qualified panel member
(complaints committee)

Qualified panel member (Requal)

Branch Community Support

County Parade Marshall

Standard Bearer Training

What other training do you feel we could provide which would support members to carry out these key roles?