poppy field


Calling Notice, 20 Jul 24

The Royal British Legion
Rheindahlen Branch
c/o SEF(G) Building 210
Ayrshire Barracks
Gladbacher Strasse 560
41179 Mönchengladbach


Patron - HM The King


Email:  Rheindahlen.Secretary@rbl.community

June 2024

Dear Member



Our next GM will be held in the conference room in building 350, SEF(G) in Ayrshire Barracks, Gladbacher Strasse 560, 41179 Mönchengladbach, at 1400 hours, on 20 July 2024. Doors will be open at 1330 hours. The committee looks forward to seeing many of you there.

A copy of the Agenda and draft minutes of the last GM are attached (postal members see note below *).  If you wish anything included in the agenda (at the Chairman’s discretion) please let the Chairman (email: please see below / post: CRB Everett, Lammerskreuz Str. 15, 52159 Roetgen (Eifel)) know, by 10 July 2024. 

To assist planning, it would help if you would let the Membership Secretary know (email:  rheindahlen. memsecretary@rbl.community) copy to the Secretary (email: rheindahlen.secretary@rbl.community) by latest 10 July 2024, whether you will attend. Please also include your vehicle details.


We hope to have refreshments – tea, coffee, cakes, etc available.   Donations to cover the cost would be welcome and any surplus will go to the Poppy Appeal Fund.  Donations of finger-food such as cakes, sausage rolls, pastries, etc would also be much appreciated.  Again please let the membership secretary know if you are able to help.



Yours sincerely


Branch Chairman
The Royal British Legion Rheindahlen Branch e.V.
Email: crbeverett@t-online.de, Phone: 02471 132855


Draft Minutes of GM 23 March 2024*


*Note for postal members: copies of the previous minutes will be available for you to view at the meeting.


Registered No. 219279 under the Charities Act, 1960 in the UK; RBL Branch No. 3461
Eingetragenerverein VereinsregisterNr. 1993

Website: http://branches.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/rheindahlen

Stadtsparkasse Mönchengladbach IBAN: DE6631050000 0000 100578










1. Opening Remarks and Exhortation: Action/Info
  The Chairman Chris Everett opened the meeting at 1400 hrs by welcoming those attending. Before reciting the Exhortation, he informed those present of the death of Prince Albert Gordon, who had passed away at the age of 85, on 26 February 2024, following a short but intense illness. The Exhortation and silence followed.  
2. Apologies:  Apologies had been received from: Steve Owen, Brigitte Owen, Alan Tyson-Carter, Tom Burke, Graham Warren, Brian Wallace, Robert Everett, David Althans and Tony Brown. There were 22 members present. An attendance list is held by the Secretary and is available on request.  

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:   The minutes of the General Meeting held on 24 June 2023 were passed as a true record. Proposed by:   Karen Roskams, (KR) seconded by:   Minaz Hirani (MH);   Carried unanimously.

  1. Matters Arising: Chris Farrell questioned the property zero value in the Treasurer's report, stating that property does exist, so how could there be a zero balance.   The Treasurer, Steve Slater (SS) explained at length, that there is indeed property, that there is a property register and that it is all properly accounted for.   However, since it is normal accounting procedure to depreciate the value of items over time, and the items in question are of such an age, in all cases their value has thus reduced to zero.  Hence the financial value of property is shown in the accounts as nil, which is correct.  SS further explained that the branch laptop, which had not functioned for many years, had been correctly disposed of, and certified as such, by David Marsh (DM) and had been written off by the committee and recorded in the relevant minutes.
  2. Dick Simmons (DS) raised the matter of a replacement web manager, to relieve him of his duties. AC confirmed he would cover this topic in his report. (Item 5.c)

Chairman's report:  The Chairman commented on the very satisfactory turnout for the meeting, especially for the first one of the year.

a. Review of 2023. The year had been a good one, especially the second half.   We had had an excellent BBQ hosted by Rudolf and Kerstin Büschges at their mill in Viersen and members of the branch had participated in the administration of the Invictus Games in Düsseldorf.  Special thanks was due to SS, who had led the team.  He exhorted the membership to perform as well in 2024.

b. Change of Standard Bearers. Tony Brown, who had been our loyal standard bearer for over 14 years, retired from the post on 2 December 2023 and was replaced by Robert Everett (RE) who is no relation.  The handover/takeover was an eye-opening and very enjoyable event, held in this conference room on 2. 12. 23.  In concluding he thanked the organisers and then introduced our new committee member, Bruno farrell, who had been elected at the AGM in November.

c. He then looked forward to the main part of the meeting.





5. Reports by Officers and Specialist Appointments:  

a. Vice Chairman: Mike Garratt thanked the organisers of the event referred to above and confirmed that it had made €250, which had been donated to the Poppy Appeal.

b. Treasurer:

(1) SS presented the Statement of Accounts (SoA) as at the date of the meeting, which is shown at Annex A.

(2) He confirmed that the 2022 End of Year accounts have now, after much delay, been signed off by head office. There were no observations made.

(3) Membership Fees. Some members paying their fees in Germany have been experiencing delays in their membership renewals.  This has been due to internal reorganisation of the Membership Engagement Team at head office. The problem was discussed at the District conference in January with Janet Talman, the head of Membership and the new Membership Engagement Officer (Overseas), David Thannock who were present as guests.  As a result, new payment forms have been issued and are now in use by our branch.  Additionally the communication channel between the branch and head office  has been updated.  SS will monitor these changes and hope for improved service.

c. Secretary: AC covered the following points:

(1) He appealed to members to reply promptly to the calling notices. Although many are regular attenders, he cannot assume who will be there and he needs the details, so as to inform the guard force and ensure access to the barracks.

(2) He thanked the two (out of some 60) members who had replied to his request for ideas for branch events. Their suggestions concerned places to hold 'Stammtische' and a visit to Kevelaer, spargel eating in Alpen or 'Kaffee und Kuchen' in Roermond.  Chris Farrell (CF) and David Marsh (DM) explained that the annual religious procession in Kevelaer was worth viewing, but that space in restaurants/pubs, or for parking was extremely limited. 

(3) The question of how to get to eg. Kevelaer or Alpen (or other further off destinations) was discussed, the conclusion being that busses are too expensive and difficult to coordinate for members who are unable to drive to a central collection point, which leaves car pooling as an option, although no definite decision was reached.

(4) In looking for places to hold weekend lunchtime Stammtische, AC had found that many restaurants were not open for lunch on Saturdays. He then asked the members if they were willing to meet up on Sundays instead.   The majority confirmed they are.  This will be an option for future consideration.

(5) He advised the meeting that there is still a vacancy on the District Conference Committee and did anyone wish to volunteer. There was no response to this 'offer'.

(6) Finally, and on behalf of Dick Simmons, he pointed out that the question of a replacement web manager had not yet definitely been resolved. However, it was confirmed by Bruno Farrell (BF) that he was willing to take on this commitment and would work with DS to effect the change.

d. Membership Secretary: On behalf of the Membership Secretary (A T-C) AC confirmed that our membership list now agrees with that of London and that we have 124 members.  Of these 26 live in the UK or elsewhere (one each in Bulgaria and France) which shows how limited the attendance is at these meetings.

e. Poppy Appeal Coordinator/Welfare report:

(1) Poppies and Wreaths: DM informed the meeting that the total amount of donations collected for the Poppy Appeal in 2023 was €2156.  This was collected from several sources, including a charity walk, an angling match, the AGM and the BBQ.   It also included unexpected donations from the British Consulate and Christ Church, neither of which had been on his distribution list.   The NATO Signal Battalion and St. George's School were also not included in the return sent to District.   Tricia Roberts (TR) and KR suggested these two tins may have originated with the English Ladies Club Düsseldorf, although there was no confirmation of this possibility.

(2) Branches have been instructed that wreaths can no longer be sold at a profit, even for private occasions. In future they will be sold to individuals for the same price we pay, ie. €30.

(3) Welfare and Buddy:  Since the last meeting, there have been numerous telephone Buddy cases and 13 visits or meetings outside the home.  Cases mostly involve letter writing, or emails to banks or pension offices, although one case involved a marriage separation and another a welfare check on a 'missing' person (who turned out not to be missing). There are currently no welfare cases. 



































6. Diary of Events for 2024:  

a. AC introduced the diary for 2024, commenting on the paucity of worthwhile activites. As already discussed, the age, separation of members and the costs of hiring transport, largely prevented the organisation of events at any distance from MG.    He promised to organise Stammtische for April (a weekend event) and for May (probably a mid-week evening event) and would notify the members accordingly. 

b. Rudolf Büschges (RB) confirmed his willingness to host the annual BBQ again, limiting potential dates to either the last weekend in July, or the first weekend in August. The committee will discuss with RB and notify the members in due course.

c. KR mentioned an alternative (nearer) place for 'spargel eating' at the Efelderwaldsee, (on the Dutch border near Birgelen and Roermond) or in Efeld itself. She also mentioned that Arcen (NL) or Zons on the Rhine are worth visiting.

d. MH offered to assist in organising events, an offer gratefully received.

e. The latest diary is attached at Annex B.









Branch Admin and other Matters:

Fraud Awareness.The chairman introduced the subject of fraud awareness, prompted by a case in the UK.   A veteran had presented himself to a number of branches with a tale of woe and seeking financial cash support without engaging with the RBL official welfare representatives.  Regrettably he had been successful in a number of cases and was able to fraudulently obtain several hundred pounds.  CE wanted the members to be aware of such risks and, although individual members were less likely to be targeted than members of the committee, should such an event occur, or if members heard of anything from 3rd parties, they should inform DM or AC, who would take appropriate action.





Any other Business:

a. RB introduced the book he had been working on as part of the JHQ archive project and which has been published by the MG city archivist, Dr. Helge Kleifeld. It is a photographic and very detailed record of all the buildings in JHQ including floor plans and specifications.   There were at the time of the meeting, 47 copies still left at the printers, so if any members wanted a copy, they should bid quickly.  AC made the point that the work that has gone into the book is extraordinary and deserves high praise.

b. Robert Neber (RN) brought greetings from the new chairman of the Reservistenverband, Kreisgruppe Niederrhein, OTL d. R. Peter Müller and handed over a letter of introduction, which aims at intensifying the links between the Reservisten and the RBL. Referring to the gaps in our calendar, He outlined a number of events as follows, indicating there is scope for RBL participation:

(1) Saturday 13 Apr 24: An open day of the Bundeswehr and Reservistenverband along with the Polizei and civilian emergency service in Düsseldorf - the so called "blaue Meile".

(2) Saturday 8 Jun 24: Bundeswehr open day in Lutzow Kaserne in Aachen.

(3) Saturday 23 Jun 24: At the Zitadelle in Wesel, a Reservistenverband Kreisgruppe Rhein-Ruhr  open day, including the GCP and a display of historic items.

(4) Saturday 28 Sep 24: Visitors' day for the 40th IMM competition based at Schloß Rheydt.

 c. At this point OTL d.R. Ralph Göhlert (RG) introduced himself on behalf of the Bundeswehrverband, KERH (Kameradschaft Ehemalige Reservisten Hinterbliebende) Niederrhein, tasked by its chairman, Hptm d.R. Jürgen Kirsch, to act as the Liaison Officer between the KERH and our branch of the RBL.   He undertook to consider how cooperation could be improved and to pass any information necessary to AC, for further development.

d. RB asked if there would be a families day in Ayrshire Barracks this year. AC undertook to provide an answer.

e. CF asked if, given the sound state of the branch finances, a donation could not be made to the Poppy Appeal.   After brief discussion, CF proposed that a donation of  €5000 should be paid to District to go to the Poppy Appeal.   This was seconded by RB and unanimously carried.



















9. Date of Next Meeting:    It was agreed the next GM should be held in late May, with a date set by the committee at the next opportunity.  AC will notify the date to the membership.  
  The Chairman then thanked all present for attending, especially those who had kindly donated food to the meeting and, after reciting the Kohima Epitaph, closed the meeting at 1540 hrs.