poppy field

Plymouth Crownhill

2019-2020 Poppy appeal pics      


Dave Carnell Chairman at Derriford hospital With volunteer Maddy Roberts 

Graham Parr at Morrison's Outland road Plymouth


Normandy Landings  Memorial  service  at Saltash Passage.

June 2019 marking 75th Anniversary 

photos of the boot prints "there but not there". the route board directing troops from  the now Normandy Way to the landing crafts  , Lord Mayor and standards. Graham Parr ,Pauline Murphy Crownhill RBL President, Lord Lieutenant of Devon and his Lady,  Councillor Brian Vincent ,and lastly committee members of Plymouth Crownhill Royal British Legion      

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 Lord Mayors Day Plymouth May 2019 

We had a great day out enjoying the sunshine and raising money for the Poppy Appeal  and met our new Lord Mayor, Richard Ball, Royal Navy Veteran. 


John Martin standard bearer Plymouth City Branch and his Lady, Graham Parr committee member Crownhill branch for Entertainment and raffles and Bingo. Penny Hatrey committee member Crownhill branch for website. Bill James vice chairman Crownhill branch  Lord mayor and his Lady, Dave Carnell Chairman Crownhill branch and the  Lord Mayors cadet.  


 The  3 musketeer's or 3 "wise" Monkey's !

Funeral of Mr Walley RN WW2 Veteran 

On the 21st March Representative's of the Royal British Legion attended the funeral of Mr Walley aged 92. at Weston Mill Cemetery .

from left to right , Chairman, Crownhill  Mr Dave Carnell, Standard Bearer Crownhill Mr Dave Welsh, Standard Bearer Saltash Dave Newman, Standard Bearer RN.SB. Graham Fulcher. Federation Member.



Devonport Services Rugby Club  

We attended the 1stXV rugby match against Newent on 30th March, the event was also attended by representative's of Plympton branch and standard bearers from Saltash and Torpoint & Rame, although it was a beautiful sunny day Devonport lost 25-15  

Harrowbeer 1940s weekend 

Despite the weather we set out our wares and raised money for the Poppy Appeal and enjoyed the event.

   pictures to follow, being visited by a gremlin at the moment !

I have managed to retrive a few pictures of our day  Hb 1W

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Img 0826

The Anderson Shelter was brilliant 

 Img 0831

 Img 0830

just to make you smile , the gazebo was very wet and we had to wait a couple of days to try to hang out our "washing" to dry .

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Our 1940s Dance was a complete sell out and we had an amazing time ,so i'm including a few pictures for you all to see, and we have already had requests to do another one , so keep an eye on our events page folks . 

Dance 1 W

Our top table of dignatories, including the Lord Mayor of Plymouth, the RBL Branch Chairman and the Club Chairman and their Ladies  

Dance 2W

Sandy Sparkle 

 Dance 3W

 Land Army Girl and friend 

Dance 4W

The Branch Chairman Sailor and Entertainment Evacuee 


 Flag waving and singing and dancing.





 Here's the lads supporting Armed Forces Day 2018  

There's a few more pictures on the Armed Forces Day page.

 Graham Dave Brian Bill W

Crownhill Branch Members supporting Armed Forces Day 2017.

Armed Forces Day 20173



Plymouth Poppy Wave 

Plymouth Hoe August to November 2017

Plymouth Wave Brian Web


It would appear I'm getting the hang of downloading members pictures , here's another one.


 The Last Post.  Plymouth Poppy Wave,  Plymouth Hoe .

Last Post Poppy Wave



National Arboretum Trip May 2018

we recently enjoyed a trip to Bosworth Hall and enjoyed  one and a half days at the Arboretum,The weather and the gardens were fantastic, and the  Volenteer Buggy drivers/ guides were  so knowledgable and helpful  and made our visit very interesting and informative. 

A few pictures of some memorials.



Aboretum Rifles

The Rifles Memorial

Arboretum Vet

The Royal Army Veterinary Corps Memorial

Submariners Memorial

The Submariners Memorial

  Laying a wreath on behalf of the  Submariners Association by a Crownhill branch member with an Arboretum volenteer guide 


Devon Regiment Memorial

The Devon and Dorset  Memorial


Atlantic Aboretum

The South Atlantic  Memorial


Football Aboretum

The World War 1  Christmas Day Football Match Memorial

Royal Navy Memorial

 The Royal Navy Memorial