poppy field


The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday 2023 is on Sunday 12 November this year, and is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today. 


All serving and ex-service personnel regardless of if you are a Legion member or the period you served (regular, TA, national service, second world war, cold war etc) are very welcome to march on the parade; as are widows and relations of the fallen.

Sunday 10 November 2024 09:00 Hours - Northampton Borough and Northamptonshire County Remembrance Service at the County War Memorial:

The annual Remembrance Services Northampton Town remembrance service will take place with Royal British Legion, regimental/squadron/unit associations and youth groups taking part.

 All serving personnel and those who have served in any capacity in the Armed Forces are welcome to march not just RBL members.  As are those who have lost people in military service.

 The parade and service is formally organised by Northampton Town Council.  If you are wishing to march or watch the first stage of the parade, please be at the market square by 09:15 latest.

 The parade will then march in two half’s Standards, armed forces and Cadets first. Then the second part the RBL and veterans leading all other organisations  to All Saints Church where the service will commence with the two minutes' silence and wreath laying held outside on Wood Hill at 11:00.  The parade will then march pass the Mayor, Royal British Legion County President and other dignitaries.

 Sunday 10 November 2024 approx. 12:00 Hours - Northampton Town Last Post and Wreath Laying Service at the Town War Memorial short wreath laying service at the borough war memorial where some 3600 names record those from the borough of Northampton killed on duty in two world wars and since 1945 through to 2008 are recorded

 Sunday 30 June 2024 - Post-1945 Memorial Service at Towcester Road Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery.  A service primarily for family, friends and comrades to commemorate the  140 men and women from Northamptonshire lost on duty since the ending of the Second World War