poppy field


A pop-up shop opened in Huddersfield’s Packhorse Centre selling poppy-related products in the run-up to Remembrance Day.

The shop, which was manned by volunteers and students from Kirklees College, sold items ranging from poppies and poppy pin badges to wristbands and reflectors, crosses, wreaths and limited edition cushions.

Poppy Appeal 2016, Pack Horse (1)

The Mayor and Mayoress of Kirklees, Councillor Jim Dodds and his wife Carol, were among the first to visit the shop where they met Richard Brook, president of the Huddersfield branch of the Royal British Legion and Poppy Appeal organiser for Huddersfield and branch chair, Sue Bevan and volunteer Steph Mills, of Kirklees College, who was in charge of the students taking part.

Poppy Appeal 2016, Pack Horse (2)

The shop, which was also the supply point for poppy-related items sold at other stores in the town centre, opened from Saturday, 29th October and opened every day until Saturday, 12th November.

Poppy Appeal 2016, Pack Horse (3)