poppy field


Our branch officers are:

Branch Officers
President Mr Ron Lamb
Chairman Mr John Clayton
Vice Chairman Mr Fred Loft

Mr Paul Collins

Treasurer Mr John Trearty
Welfare Rep  Branch Secretary
Standard Bearers

Mr John Clayton

Poppy Appeal Coordinator  

The Branch is located at:

The Royal British Legion 
 541 Canterbury Street, Gillingham, Kent ME7 5LF

The next Branch Meeting is on Sunday             starting at 12.30

all members are encouraged to attend.


The Branch Secretary is standing down due to retirement and moving, can you fill this position, training provided by County HQ through various courses, can you help? Mr Paul Collins will be taking over as branch secretary from 1st October 2016.



The next Branch Meeting is on Sunday        ,  starting at 12.30 - all members and guests are welcome to attend. Please note, that we are normally in attendance every Sunday Lunchtime from 12.15 onwards, drop in and joing us.



Meetings are as required, and will be held at the Upper Conservative Club, 541 Canterbury Street, Gillingham, Kent ME7 5LF.