Tuesday 13th March 2018
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice of World War 1, which was on the 11th November 1918, the Dover White Cliffs Branch of the Royal British Legion began the commemorations by affixing poppies to the lamp posts from the War Memorial to the Market Square in Dover town centre.
We wish to convey our grateful thanks to Councilor Callum Warriner of the Dover Town Council, for his generous donation of the Poppies we used, thank you Sir.
Mr Ian Lillford and Mr John Dickinson secured the Poppies to the lamp posts, ably assisted by Mrs. Elizabeth Wray. Mrs.Christine Walton, our Poppy Appeal Organiser was in attendance, along with our Vice Chairman Mr Ted Smith and Miss Joanna Walton, who took the photographs.
A big thank you to the "Mean Bean" café for kindly letting us use their frontage to sit while the work was carried out: the "Mean Bean" has always been a great supporter of the Dover White Cliffs Branch of the Royal British Legion.
Many thanks to all who attended: a good day's work!
John (standing) and Ian (up the ladder). |
Christine overseeing the work. |
John happy at work. Ian deep in thought. |
More close supervision from Christine. |
Relaxing outside The Mean Bean - Christine, Ted and Elizabeth. |
Ian deciding what's next, while Elizabeth waits with the next Poppy. |
Spot the Poppies on Biggin Street. |
A little further down Biggin Street. |
On Tuesday 6th March 2018, Mrs Christine Walton (PAO) held a tombola in Dover's Morrisons Store in respect of the Poppy Appeal.
It was our annual Easter Egg Tombola which was attended by:- Headed up by:-
Mrs. Christine Walton. (PAO)
Assisted by :-
Miss. Joanna Walton (Volunteer)
Mr. Ted Smith (Vice Chairman)
Mr. Fred Turner (Volunteer)
Lorraine Roosendaal (Volunteer)
Mrs. Carolyn Gunner (Volunteer)
Mr. John Dickinson (Branch Fundraiser)
Our grateful thanks go to Morrisons Supermarket Dover, for granting us the space for our table and to the Morrisons customers for their fantastic generosity and support.
A special thank you to Mrs Carolyn Gunner for her superb cuddly toy making skills, and to the enthusiasm of the volunteers.
We started the event with 100 toys and eggs,and only two remained at the close.
I can now report the event raised £430.00 for the poppy appeal.
WELL DONE EVERYONE! and we all had loads of fun doing it! THANK YOU ALL!
Christine Walton, our PAO. |
Christine with Lorraine. |
John Dickinson and willing donor. |
Easter Eggs were just some of the prizes on offer. |
By the end of the day all that was left was an empty table and a heavy donation bucket. |
Fred Turner, Lorraine, Joanna and Christine. |
Sunday 25th February 2018
Our PAO, Mrs. Christine Walton, headed up a Poppy Appeal table (plus tea/coffee) in the Education Centre of the Dover Discovery Centre, in support of the 100 Miles for 100 Years event.
The Royal British Legion volunteers who took part in this event:-
Mrs. Christine Walton - Branch Treasurer.
Mr. Brian Walton - Branch Secretary.
Mr. Ted Smith - Branch Vice Chairman.
Miss. Joanna Walton - Volunteer Fund Raiser.
Mr. Frank Thompson - Volunteer Fund Raiser.
Mr. John Dickinson - Branch Fund Raiser.
Our congratulations to all the walkers for attending on a bitterly cold day and for most generously donating to the Poppy Appeal: we raised the princely sum of £55:00.
We would also like to thank the organisers of the 100 Miles for 100 Years for allowing us to join them: many thanks to you ALL.