poppy field


GRID REF: NY50449 71366    Postcode CA6 6LD

St Mary's Churchyard, Stapleton

 War Mem No 61 Stapletonr

"Stapleton is encompassed by Nichol Forest, and the parishes of Bewcastle, Lanercost, Kirklinton, Arthuret and Walton. It comprises the townships of Belbank, Soloport, Stapleton and Trough although the people live in dispersed dwellings scattered over the parish, there being no village or hamlet containing more than ten or a dozen houses. It extends about three miles by five and lies about eight miles north from Brampton."   (Description from T. Bulmer & Co's History, Topography and Directory of East Cumberland, 1884)

"The parish church is dedicated to St. Mary and stands near the centre of the township. It stands on an ancient foundation, a new edifice erected in 1830 on the site of the old church.   In the churchyard stands a tombstone inscribed: Here lies Robert (Hob) Forrester, of Stanegarthside, 1598.    (Extract from Bulmer's 1884 History & Directory, cited above).

This sparsely populated parish saw a number of its sons go off to war.   Most returned, some unfortunately did not.  Those men of Stapleton who lie far from this quiet peaceful region of rural Cumbria include:- 

2nd Lieut John Routledge.  John was serving with 1st Bn King’s Own Scottish Borderers when he died in battle on 16th April 1917 at the age of 21.   He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Arras Memorial to the Missing, panel 6.   He was the son of Richard and Jane Routledge, of Galaberry House, Irthington.

Pte Robert W. Bell was 23 years old when he was killed on 19th Nov 1917 while serving with 17th Bn Royal Scots.   He is interred in grave XIV.C.11, Dozinghem Military Cemetery.  Robert was the son of Joseph and Tamar Bell, of Mallsgate, Roweltown.

Pte Charles Dunbar, son of George and Isabella Dunbar, of 10 George Street, Langholm, died in battle on 12th July 1915 at the age of 21.  He was serving in the Dardanelles with 1/5th Bn King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Charles has no known grave.  He is commemorated on the Helles Memorial to the Missing, on panel 84/92 to 220/222.  

Pte James Elliot, who served with 1/5th Border Regiment, died on 2nd Oct 1918 at the age of 38.   He is interred in Bellicourt British Cemetery, in grave V.S.7.   James was the son of Mr and Mrs J. Elliot, of Boggarah, Low Row, Brampton.

Pte Simon Telford died of wounds on 17th Jan 1916 while serving with 11th Bn Border Regt.  He is interred in grave II.B.2., St Pierre Cemetery, Amiens.  He was born at Nicholforest, the son of Mr and Mr and Mrs  J.J.Telford, later of New House Farm, Bunkers Hill, Carlisle.

Pte Walter Irving Morley was killed in battle in Italy while serving with 2nd Bn Border Regiment.  He died on 9th Aug 1918 and is interred in Boscon British Cemetery near Veneto, grave ref 2.D.2.  He was the 26 year old son of Joseph and Elizabeth Morley, of Carlisle.  Walter is named on the grave of his ancestors at Kirklinton. The 2nd Bn Border Regiment was part of the 7th and 23rd Divisions supporting the Italian Army as it repelled the Austrian assault from the north.

Pte James Thompson may be No 33332 of 11th Bn Border Regiment – who died 10th Feb 1917.  He is one of whom we know little.   Anyone who can help is asked to use our “Contact us” facility.

Within the churchyard are some family gravestones bearing a personal tribute to a relative who numbers with the Fallen of the Great War.   One of these is:-

Cpl John Tweddle, son of John and Margaret Tweddle, of Lonning Head, Kirkcambeck, Brampton.  He was reported Killed in Action on 17th April 1918 at the age of 26 while serving with 1st Bn Black Watch (Royal Highlanders).  He is interred at Guards Cemetery, Windy Corner, Guinchy, near Bethune, in grave V.F.2.  He is not named on the War Memorial.

The family burial place of Cpl John Tweddle who lies in Guards Cemetery, Windy Corner, Guinchy, in France, and is commemorated here on the grave of his ancestors.