poppy field


GRID REF: NY55550 63722

Lanercost Priory

56a The War Memorial to the Men of the parish who Fell in The Great War

  Lanercost 56A

In grateful memory of the men of Lanercost who for the cause of freedom laid down their lives in the Great War 1914-1918.  And of those who fell in WW2:-

CAPT CHARLES N RIDLEY   Northumberland Yeomanry

CAPT JOHN M CHARLTON   Northumberland Fusiliers

CAPT JAMES T MITCHELL   Leicestershire Regiment

LIEUT HUGH V CHARLTON   Northumberland Fusiliers


SERGT JOHN TWEDDLE   Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)


LCPL ROBERT WM HOPE   Royal Warwickshire Regiment

L CPL WM BELL   Border Regiment

PTE J GERALD ADDISON   Border Regiment

PTE J GERALD ADDISON   Border Regiment

PTE GILBERT WM ATKINSON   Australian Imperial Force

PTE WM BELL   Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment

PTE LEWIS BELL   Border Regiment

PTE WM GRAHAM   Border Regiment

PTE ARTIE HILL   Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

PTE JOHN HOGG   Highland Light Infantry

PTE JOHN G STOREY   Border Regiment

PTE JOHN T SCOTT   Northumberland Fusiliers

PTE JAMES TUDDENHAM   Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment

 And those who Fell in the Second World War:-

PTE HENRY ROUTLEDGE   Age 31 Years   Durham Light Infantry  NORTH AFRICA 22ND APRIL 1942

GNR STANLEY S MUSGRAVE   Age 20 Years   Royal Artillery.  WESTERN FRONT 16TH FEBRUARY 1945

A panel to the left of this Memorial is the Roll of Honour of all those of the Parish who served in the Great War.

 56b  A personal family memorial to two brothers who fell in battle in The Great War

Lanercost 56B

Lieut Hugh Vaughan Charlton was serving with 7th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers when he was killed at Whychaete on 24th June 1916. He was 32 years old.  His grave is in La Laitere  Military Cemetery, south of Ieper (Ypres).

Captain John Macfarlan Charlton fell at La Boiselle seven days later on 1st July 1916, in the opening hours of the Battle of the Somme.  He died on his 25th birthday.   He was commanding a company of the 21st Bn (Tyneside Scottish) Northumberland Fusiliers  on that fateful morning.   He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, on Panel 10b/12b.

They were the only sons of John and Kate Charlton, originally of Bamburgh, Northumberland, but later of Banks House, Lanercost.  Their mother Kate had died in 1893.   Their father, John Charlton, RBA, RI, ROI, was a skilled painter and illustrator.  He excelled at military scenes and portraits of horses and dogs.   One of his paintings is “Balaclava – The Charge of the Light Brigade”.  It illustrates the moment the charge reached the Russian guns.

John Charlton never recovered from the death of his sons just seven days apart.   Broken-hearted he died at Banks House seventeen months later.