poppy field


Dalston Church Yard

War Memorial The Parish Of Dalston (1)

This impressive traditional Celtic Cross stands tall just within the entrance of the Churchyard of St Michael, in the small town of Dalston, near Carlisle.

It looks across the central square of what in 1914 was little more than a village.   But that village, like so many others, was to see a great number of its young men go off to war in those dark days of 1914-1918.

Most returned, some unfortunately broken in mind and body, to be with their families once more.    Other families grieved as they became reconciled to the reality that they would never see their loved again.

 The names of those who did not return are incised for all to see on this silent tribute.

 Within the Church is a Memorial panel of the names of the Fallen, lettered in gold.