poppy field


GRID REF: NY36872 49932  Postcode CA5 7QB

Dalston memorial hall

Plaque inside the hall

Dalston Roll Of Honour

This is the Roll of Honour of Dalston Memorial Hall.   It is a Memorial to those who made the Supreme Sacrifice, and a tribute to those who served and survived the horrors of warfare in sufficient health to return to family and friends.

The Memorials to the Fallen of the Great War came in many forms.    When the many small communities around the British Isles were pondering the question of how best to commemorate their lost children, a variety of ideas was considered.   The people of Dalston decided that a universal meeting place for all of the community would be appropriate.   This resulted in the much-used Dalston Memorial Hall.   

And the Parish also added an extra tribute in the impressive Celtic Cross which stands in St Michael’s Churchyard by the town square.


The Hall was built in 1921 by public subscription to honour those who had served in the Great War.  It was built on land vested in the Trustees. It is run by the Management Committee which is elected from the parishioners of Dalston, and is popular and busy, providing activity for all ages.  

A fitting tribute to those men of Dalston of 1914-1918.