poppy field


GRID REF: NY47117 54627  Postcode CA4 8LL

Great Corby

War Memorial Of Gt Corby Carlisle

This commemorative plaque, in the village of Great Corby, is one of those which combines a tribute to those who returned with a memorial to those who gave their lives.

It is a symbol of thankfulness from the community that so many who were willing to make the Supreme Sacrifice returned to their families relatively unscathed.   And an expression of sadness that some did not.

There is no Church in Gt Corby, the Parish Church is at Wetheral, just across the river Eden. 

You will find this plaque by the right side of the door of the village Reading Room.

Those who did not return are;

Lieut Percy Langhorn Thompson died at the age of 30 on 12th June 1917 while serving with 14th  Bn Durham Light Infantry.  He is interred in Grave I.R.19, Philosophe British Cemetery, Pas De Calais.  Percy was the son of Robert Thompson of Fernbank, Great Corby, and his wife Jane.  Robert Thompson was a solicitor of the Supreme Court.

Sapper G. Bowman was serving with 108 Field Company Royal Engineers, British Salonika Force, when he was killed on 18th Oct 1918 at the age of 23.   He is interred in Dorian Military Cemetery, Thessaloniki, Greece, in Grave V.H.17.    He was the son of Robert and Mary Bowman, of Spring Cottage, Great Corby.

Private T. Taylor M.M. was 27 years of age when he died of wounds on 8th Oct 1918.  He had served with 2nd  Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regt).   However he may have been with a Royal Engineer Company at the time of his death – hence the rank of Sapper on the Memorial.   He was the son of John and Sarah Taylor, of Great Corby.    He is interred in grave V.H.5. Tincourt New British Cemetery, Peronne, Somme Region.   Private Taylor may have been awarded the Military Medal for rescuing a wounded comrade.