A selection of photos from events held by Bury St Edmunds Branch are available below.

WW1 Remeberance 2018

Poppy Appeal 2018

Armed Forces day 2018

Luke Southgate
Members of the Royal British Legion and Service personnel from the RAF Attended the Remembrance Service for Luke Southgate who sadly lost his life serving his country 10 years ago. The Legions thoughts go out to his Family at this sad time.

Jim Palfrey
Members of the Royal British Legion Attended Jim's 100th Birthday Party on the 1st March 2020, a very good turn out for Jim on this very special day.
Jim Requested that no presents were to be given, but donations to be made to the Royal British Legion. £515 was raised on the day so to all the Legion thankyou.
And from all at the Bury St Edmunds Branch of the Royal British Legion HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM.
Photo of Jim at his party surounded by his family. a fantastic afternoon had by all.

The Royal British Legion Bury St Edmunds Remember VJ Day 75 At The
Rose Garden 15th August 2020
‘On Saturday 15th August, The Bury St. Edmunds Branch of the Royal British Legion organized and conducted a VJ Day 75th Anniversary Remembrance Service at the Rose Garden, Bury St. Edmunds. The service was attended by the Vice Chairman of West Suffolk Council, Squadron Officer commanding 677 Squadron 6th Army Air Corps, Regimental Second in Command, Royal Tanks Regiment, Officer Commanding 64th Squadron Royal Engineers, former members of the 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, Royal Artillery Veterans, and members of the public.
The service followed the traditional format of Remembrance services, The Last Post and Reveille being played by a fourteen-year-old girl who currently attends a school in Bury St. Edmunds. Wreaths were laid at the War Memorial by the various organization's represented.
At the conclusion of the Service, members of the Congregation were invited to gather at the Pilgrims Café for tea and coffee, to renew old acquaintances and to reminisce about former times.’

© Crown Copyright 2020
Below The Committee of the Royal British Legion Bury St Edmunds Paying their Respects at the Risby Crematorium Bury St Edmunds.

Members of the Bury St Edmunds Royal British Legion Conducting a Remembrance Service at the Boer War Memorial in Bury St Edmunds on the 5th November 2020, Followed by a Service at the Cemetery In Bury.

Above Photo By :Rupert Nye

Below The Members of the Royal British Legion Bury St. Edmunds along side Local School Girl Imogen Forman who yet again did a fantastic job as the bugler for the service held in the Rose Garden on Saturday 7th November 2020 , a big thank you to her from the Legion and of course the West Suffolk Council.

Below Standard Bearers form the Royal British Legion And Other Services Attending the Remembrance service held on the Angel Hill Bury St. Edmunds on the 8th November 2020.

See Below Quote from The Chairman Of the Royal British Legion Bury St. Edmunds regarding the Remembrance Services held On The 7th And 8th November 2020.
‘ Remembrance Services held on Saturday 7th November in the Appleby Rose Garden together with the service conducted at The War Memorial, Angel Hill on Sunday 8th November proved to be exemplary examples of how, even in the direst of circumstances, the support for such ceremonies is never diminished. There are very few occasions when we, as a country, have the opportunity to unite and come together for the purpose of celebrating a just and honorable cause. Although both ceremonies were, to a large extent. regulated by the national restrictions in place, it did not detract from the tangible support, solemnity, and heartfelt thanks of all those present to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. We are delighted with the support and encouragement given and shown during both ceremonies.’
Below Members of the Royal British Legion Bury St. Edmunds Attending the Remembrance Service on the Angle Hill on the 11th November 2020.

Above the Branch Committee

Above the wreath Laying and Standard Bearers of the Royal British Legion and The Women's section
The Bury St. Edmunds Branch of the Royal British Legion would like to thank the young school pupil who attended this remembrance service to play the Last Post, well done to him. its so good to know that we have the support from the Schools in the Bury St. Edmunds area.