poppy field

Bere Alston


The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.

The branch takes the time to hold a small service on the day of Remembrance itself (11th November at 1100) as well as the two parades on Remembrance Sunday - mustering at 1045 at the Bere Ferrers Memorial and at 1345 at Bere Alston Memorial. 

As a local branch we also take the time to remember a tragedy which took place at Bere Ferrers  Train Station on he 24th September 1917, when ten soldiers from New Zealand alighted from their troop train on the wrong side of the train, having assumed they should leave by the same side they had entered, and were struck and killed by an oncoming express. We hold a small remembrance service on the 24th September at 1100 every year. All are most welcome to help us pay our respects.  

View our news & events calendar for details of local Remembrance events.