poppy field


mce_markerThe Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.


 Remembrance Sunday this year falls on the ninth of November and we shall be joining the rest of the nation in observing the two minute silence to remember those who have given their lives in conflicts around the world to give us our life and freedom.


There will be services all over the Commonwealth from Christchurch in New Zealand to Vancouver in Canada, in Afghanistan, the National Memorial Arboretum, every Cathedral in the land, at the Cenotaph in Whitehall, and for us at St Peter's Church Withington.


Although the service will be conducted by the Rector in the Parish Church, it is not specifically for Anglican Christians, it will be for any and every person in the area so that they may give a few minutes of their time to express thanks for the sacrifices made by others to give us life as we know it today.


Put on a poppy and drop into the Church on Sunday 9th  November at about 10.45 am for about 0.01% of your year to say thank you and Remember.