Poppy Appeal Collectors form the frontline of our annual Poppy Appeal, standing on street corners, collecting money from passers by. Their role is twofold:
• To help to raise the millions of pounds the Legion spends each year on our Poppy Support services; and
• To reminding the public at large about the importance of Remembrance.
The Royal British Legion is seeking a new generation of volunteers. The generous
donation of your time is the most critical factor in the success of our annual
Poppy Appeal.
Each year our volunteer numbers fall as many of our older collectors decide that they can no longer assist us. They have well and truly done their bit, and now we need to focus on new faces to come forward and lend a hand.
We are seeking individuals or local groups to join our new generation of volunteers.
Volunteers give anything from two hours to two weeks of their time to collect
on streets, shops and workplaces across the country. If this is not for you we
also need local organisers, drivers, poppy distributors and volunteer counters.
Everyone can get involved, and your contribution can really make a difference to
serving and ex-Service people in need.
Visit our Volunteering microsite to learn more about how you can help us to help others.
To register your interest as a Poppy Collector, phone
0808 802 8080 or complete our online Volunteer form. Or Paper Copy Here
Email us at: kent@britishlegion.org.uk