poppy field



Are you a Kent business considering which charity your organisation might support this year?

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal is based in Kent.  Every Poppy is made and distributed worldwide from Aylesford, Kent - we are neighbours!

There are lots of ways your staff can join in - from getting involved in the annual Poppy Appeal to getting a team together to join in our fantastic range of fundraising events.  There are lots of events organised be The Royal British Legion - or you can come up with your own ideas to suit your company and your staff.

We fundraise all year round, from sponsored walks and bike rides to car washes and cake sales - why not have some fun in the workplace and help others at the same time?

Employee involvement in charity events can boost commitment, morale, staff loyalty and satisfaction.  Please take 5 minutes away from your daily tasks to discuss how we can help you to create some fun for your colleagues. Call Julie or Jane on 01622793194 or 07833 480272