2022 Parade Liability - Information to Local Councils
Letter to Local Authorities
The Royal British Legion as custodians of Remembrance are the watchful eye to ensure the Nation remembers those that have made the greatest sacrifice to maintain the society, governance and freedoms we have shaped and enjoy today. As an organisation we are here to remind Local Borough Councils of their Civic duty to lead on local Remembrance Sunday events; honour the memory all year round for various UK Armed Forces anniversaries, commemoration and support families requiring Standard representation at funerals (a Membership voluntary service).
Here you can see the types of Remembrance the Legion has supported and been involved in.
Remembrance events
WREATHS - Click here for ordering details.

Non-red Poppy Wreaths
The Royal British Legion has no objection to wreaths other than red poppy wreaths being laid at war memorials or in Remembrance services. The RBL respects the rights and freedoms of groups and individuals to make their own decisions how to observe Remembrance.
The RBL defends the right of others to wear poppies and lay wreaths consisting of other colours and flowers. However, the RBL’s red poppy is a universal symbol of Remembrance and peace which is inclusive of all regardless of race, belief, origin, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Importantly, the red poppy raises funds to support our Armed Forces, veterans and their families in their time of need.
We see no contradiction in wearing other emblems alongside the red poppy, or laying other wreaths alongside the red poppy wreath. We recognise the right of any group or individual to express themselves within the law. (21/10/22)
Richmond Factory
The poppy factory set up in 1922 at Richmond is still operating today; it produces the wreaths for the Royal Family, and general public and some Poppy Appeal stock.
Richmond Poppy Factory photos (2018)