poppy field


Contact The Royal British Legion in Buckinghamshire



County Officers and Welfare Staff
County President Cllr. L Clarke OBE, FRSA
County Chairman Mr Andrew Seymour ; Buckinghamshire.Chairman@rbl.community
County Vice Chairman  Col (Retd) S Murphy; Buckinghamshire.vicechairman@rbl.community
County Secretary  Mrs Sarah Sturt ; ssturt@britishlegion.org.uk
County Treasurer Mrs Betty Davidson ; bettydavidson@btinternet.com
Area Manager Pat Chadwick ; PChadwick@britishlegion.org.uk
Community Fundraiser  Poonam Vaja ; Pvaja@britishlegion.org.uk
Membership Engagement Officer Mr Phil Davies ; PDavies3@britishlegion.org.uk
County Poppy Appeal Coordinator  Mr Andrew Seymour ; Buckinghamshire.Chairman@rbl.community
County Recruitment Officer Mrs Sarah Sturt ; ssturt@britishlegion.org.uk
County Training Officer Mrs Sarah Sturt ; ssturt@britishlegion.org.uk
County Youth Officer  
Band Master

Mr Gordon Davies ; gordav123@gmail.com


Membership of The Royal British Legion is available to all adults, not just members or ex-members of the Armed Forces and we always welcome new members.

The New Membership joining and renewal process is now operational and the new procedure has been published. Please contact the Membership Engagement Officer  for further information.