The Royal British Legion is recognised as the National Custodian of Remembrance.
Armistice Day is a national holiday in Belgium and is the recognised day of remembrance. A two minute silence at the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh day of the Eleventh Month every year is the tradition observed.
If you wish to lay a wreath at the Menin Gate or deliver the Exhortation, you will need to contact the Last Post Association.

Royal British Legion Poppies, Crosses & Wreaths
For those visitors to Ypres (Ieper) who would like to obtain Poppies during their visit they can be obtained from tourist information centres and some hotels or bars in the Ypres Salient. They are also available in some outlets outside of Ieper and are supplied by the Branch.
Poppies, Wreaths, Crosses, etc can also be obtained directly from the Branch. Please contact the Branch PAO (Poppy Appeal Organiser) to discuss your personal requirements. If you are a local business who would like to support Ypres Branch of The Royal British Legion by hosting a collection box, please contact our PAO as well.
Wreaths can also be obtained from the Ypres Tourist information, at the Memorial Museum in Passchendaele (Zonnebeke) and at the Plugstreet Experience 14-18 in Ploegsteert.
Our very own Poppy Shop is currently closed, we'll keep you updated on future projects.