poppy field


Remembrance Service 12th November 2023

Our Remembrance service commenced at 10:55 on Sunday 12th November. However, prior to that, for those taking part in the Prarde March to the Town Memorial stated to form up at 09:45 with the RNAS Yeovilton Volunteer Band, accompanied by Standards, Veterans, RNAS Service Personal, Combined Cadets Forces and Local Youth organisations, marching from Petters Way Law Courts to the High St Memorial for the Act of Remembrance and Laying of Wreaths where many of our local community had gathered before proceeding to St Johns for the Church service. On completion of the Service the Parade Marchers reformed in Church St, again RNAS Yeovilton Volunteer Band leading back to Petters Way via the King George St Saluting Dias where the Yeovil Town Mayor and Commanding Officer HMS Heron took the Salute. On arrival back at Petters Way and completion of the March past it was time to re-join our families and friends prior to moving onto the Yeovil Ex Service Social Club (YESS) Preston Rd for Tea and Bickies with members of the service and our local community joining us there.

Wreaths were also laid at the Falklands Memorial Stone St John's Church and the CWG Plot Yeovil Cemetery by RBL Members.

A big Thank you must go to Yeovil Town Council and Contractor’s for getting the Memorial, High St/Brough Ready for the Remembrance Service weekend during the ongoing redevelopment works.