poppy field

Woodhall Spa

Woodhall Spa Royal British Legion Branch

Meetings start at 7pm, second Tuesday of every Month (except January and August) at The Conservative Club - Woodhall Spa.

Branch Officers for the Year 23/24 as Elected at Annual General Meeting October 2023.

Branch President David Mullenger  
Branch Padre Fr Geoffrey Spencer
Branch Chair Gill Hodgson
Branch Vice Chair John Egleton
Branch Secretary Cath Conway
Branch Treasurer Andy Wilkes
Membership Secretary Carolyn Smith
Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser Gill Hodgson
Branch Standard Bearer Stuart Holmes
Dep. Branch Standard Bearers

Andy Wilkes

Martin Cox

Gary Hurst

Branch Entertainments Officer Cath Conway
Branch Web Manager Gary Hurst
Dep. Web Manager Vacant
Branch Welfare Rep Carolyn Smith
Branch Press Officer Viv Simpson
Branch Committee Members

Ken Argent

Cath Conway

Gary Hurst


Branch information can be obtained via emailing : Branch Secretary

For Membership information contact MSO : MSOEastMids@britishlegion.org.uk

Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser : paogillhodgsonrbl@gmail.com


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