poppy field


See link for Remembrance Day Parade 2023 arrangements.

The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.

The Windermere War Memorial is situated on the east side of the A5074 approximately midway between Windermere and Bowness, on the corner of Lake Road and Craig Walk. Approaching from Windermere towards Bowness it is after the zebra crossing and on the left hand side just before the Police Station (LA23 2JD).

The public War Memorial  was unveiled on 09.11.1924 by Mrs Atkinson who lost four sons in the War. The memorial commemorates the men who lost their lives from the combined parishes of St Martin’s, St Mary’s and St John’s. It is located between Windermere and Bowness at the foot of Upper Craig Walk. (Source: The Westmorland Gazette - 15.11.24).

A wreath was laid by the Windermere Branch Royal British Legion at 11:00am on Saturday 15 August 2015, to commemorate VJ Day. Windermere ATC also attended and their bugler played the Last Post. It was great to also see visitors to the area also in attendance, including a couple from Australia.

VJ Day Poppy

VJ Day Wreath