poppy field


On the evening of Thursday 30th June, in another example of their ongoing affiliation, members of Windermere Branch of The Royal British Legion and 1264 (Windermere) Squadron ATC joined together as part of the National Vigil held in remembrance of the 100th anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Somme.  A battle which went down in history as having the greatest loss of life of any military conflict. 

The Air Cadets read an account of the battle. Then the Reverend James Richards lead a short service of remembrance, reading out the names of local personnel killed at the Somme (see list below) followed by the Last Post played by Cadet Sargeant Susanne Hall.

The Exhortation and Kohima were read out by Mrs Pat McDougall and Mrs Pat Walker, Windermere Royal British Legion.

A wreath was laid by Mrs Pat McDougall and candles of remembrance lit.

A big thank you to Windermere ATC, the Reverend James Richards, Windermere Town Council members and all others who braved the awful weather to attend this event.

Somme Vigil

1264 (Windermere) Squadron Air Training Corps supporting the Windermere Branch, TRBL, at the Candlelit Vigil on 30 June 2016 - eve of the start of the Battle of the Somme 100 years ago.

            Those that died between 1 July and 18 November 1916

William Airey John Helme Mallinson
William Aitken Caleb Walden Marginson
Herbert Atkinson Ernest Marshall
John Barker Colin Martindale
Sybray Barker James Martindale
Leslie Barwise Frank Nicholson
Richard Bigland Robert Payne
James A. Birkett Ashley Peters
Leonard Close Henry Peters
Lindsay Dunlop George Chrisopher Pricket
William Gibson John Rawes
Bert Goddard George Rigg
William Haston Reginald Smith
John Hayes George Spedding
George Holmes Joseph Willshaw
Ernest McKnight James Wilson
Robert McClaren  

Ernest McKnight, of Broad Street, Windermere, badly wounded on July 1, 1916, tended the wounds of his officer Lt Margerison, then crawled back into Authuille wood to die. He lies in the Lonsdale cemetery named after his battalion.