poppy field


Annual Lunch on 23 November 2018

The Annual Lunch held on Friday 23rd November 2018 was enjoyed by 35 members and their guests at the Craig Manor Hotel.

£108.95 resulted in being added to Branch Funds, including a terrific £93.20 from the raffle.

Many thanks to Jeanette , Pat and Sue plus the Craig Manor staff for making this another successful and enjoyable event.

At the lunch Richard Glenister and Edgar Holme (GP90 Wreath Bearer and Windermere Standard Bearer) gave a brief presentation on their GP90 experiences, the main ceremony being on 8 August 2018 - 100 years since the start of the 100 day offensive leading up to the Armistice.

Afterwards they were both presented copies of Windermere's Certificate (below) commemorating the event by the Branch President and Chairman.