poppy field


Tuesday 18 November 2014

1264 (Windermere) squadron Air Cadets cement their strong link with Windermere branch of the Royal British Legion, when they became the first Air Cadet Squadron, and none school related youth organisation, in the county to gain affiliated unit status. This allows the members of both units to work together on fundraising projects, promoting mutual support and community involvement.

Members of the Windermere branch of the Royal British Legion joined the Air Cadets at their headquarters on Park Road for a formal exchange of certificates, with a few words from the Air Cadet squadron commander Warrant Officer Gaynor Collins, and Mr Peter Lever, chairman of Windermere branch of the RBL. Afterwards cadets and legion members alike had the opportunity to learn more about each other over tea and cake, with cadets explaining everything from shoes polishing techniques to drill commands, and legion members regaling cadets with tales of their military activities.

ATC Affiliation Certificate



 Hannah Fralick, CI Emma Clarke, WO (IC) Gaynor Collins, Mr Peter Lever, Cdt Declan Turner, and Mrs Pat McDougall proudly display the affiliation certificates.





 .... and there was cake!!!!!

Mr Peter Lever and Cpl Suzanne Hall celebrate with cake

ATC_Cake mod

 ATC OIC with TRBL Windermere Branch Chairman


Legion members Kath Strickland and Mavis Brindle with County Secretary (Membership Support Officer) Una Bell



Cpl Chris Hall displayed rather shiny toe caps to county secretary Mrs Una Bell and Mrs Pat McDougall
