poppy field


Below is a list of dates for your diary on what's happening in the Whittlesey Branch of The Royal British Legion:


Friday 08 March 2024      -  Annual Black Tie/Suit Dinner Dance at Childers Sports & Social Club                                                          Whittlesey,  Everyone welcome;    Tickets £26

Monday 16 March 2024    - Members will be taking part in the Great Tommy Sleep Out at Decoy                                                          Lakes.

Thursday 06 June 2024 - The Branch will be holding a short ceremony at the War Memorial to                                                commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Thursday 06 June 2024 - Members of the Branch will be attending Willow Court to assist with                                                the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landing display.

Friday 14 June 2024      - Whittlesey Branch D-Day Sausage Supper with Disco through the ages

                                          7.30 pm, Childers Social Club Tickets £11, everyone welcome

W/E 28 - 30 June 2024 - Members will be assisting with the Whittlesey Armed Forces weekend

                                         28 - RBL Display stall 29 - RBL Display stall 30 - Drum Head Service.

Friday 25 October 2024 - Henry Clydesdale City of Peterborough Concert Band performing at                                                  Childers Social Club. Entry £5 1930-2130, everyone welcome.                                                                       

Monday 11 November 2024 - Service at Whittlesey War memorial at 11am.

Sunday 10 November 2024 - Remembrance Sunday, Parade from St Andrews Parish Hall                                                              1400hrs.

Friday   13 December 2024 - Branch Christmas Event - everyone welcome
                                                further information to follow.