poppy field


A selection of photos from events held by Wellington Branch are available below.

This is Esmerelda, an Austin 10, 1935, owned by a late member of the Wellington branch Eric Lamb, . This picture was taken at the start point of Wellington Carnival 2015. He also won first and a cup with a cheque in his class.

 These photos are of what the young children of Rockwell Green Primary School have designed and made the  various 'wreaths' out of crepe paper, 2015

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Every Month the children of Rockwell Primary School lay flowers on the War Graves at Wellington Cemetary, In October they lay Remembrance Crosses alongside the Flowers The Wellington Branch Attends this.


Wellington's Feild of remembrance is dedicated and situated at Wellington Baptist Church, The Wellington Branch is Thankfully for Rev Sam Griffiths and his team for allowing us to have our Feild of remembrance at there church every year.

Throughout the year Members of Wellington Women's Institute Knit and crochet Poppies, these are used in November to decorate the Railing around the war memorial, the war memorial itself, the remembrance garden in Wellington park, Railings in the town centre, parts of lancer court and there is also an amazing poppy cascade which is put into Monmouth Gardens, Wellington Branch appreciated the hard work the members of Wellington Women's institute put in every year, they even decorate the pop-up shop when the wellington poppy appeal is in there.


Every year Wellington Branch, Town council, Rockwell Green Primary School and a member of a local church come together to mark Armed Forces Day. At present this is done with a mark of remembrance, where the Head Boy and Head Girl Scatter Ashes of the Remembrance Crosses Collected from Remembrance Time.


On Sunday 18th April 2021, Wellington Branch came together with Wellington Town Council and St Johns Parish Church to commemorate the life of H.R.H Prince Philip,Duke of Edinburgh. Thiswas done in the churchyard in a socially distanced manner. President of Wellington Branch, Michael Rose made a speech about Prince Philip's long military background and Branch Chaplin Revd. Tim Treanor led the Service. Chairmen and Standard Bearer Robert Trickey dipped the standard while the National Anthem was sung