poppy field


Below is a list of dates for your diary on what's happening in the Wellington Branch of The Royal British Legion. 



Sunday 5th May 12.30pm to 4.30pm The RBL Wellington Branch will be at the Friends of Wellington Park Spring Fayre

Saturday 1st June 10pm to 4pm The RBL Wellington Branch Will be at the Wellington Street Fair 80th D-Day which is 1940s themed.

Saturday 8th June- 80th D-Day commemoration Details to follow 

Saturday 29th June- Armed Forces Service in Wellington Park

Wellington Poppy Appeal Launch- 31st October 2024, this is when you will start to see poppy boxes,tins and other poppy appeal items appear and we still be in the manned stalls.

From Thursday 31st October to Saturday 9th November poppy appeal 2024 is running. normal information to be released closer to the time. This year wreaths are to be sold in the pop-up shop from 4th November until 9th November.

Dedication of the Field of Remembrance 12 noon Sunday 3rd November 2024.

Remembrance Sunday 3:15pm Wellington Park Sunday 10th November 2024

Armistice Day (National 2 Minutes Silence) 11am Monday 11th November 2024.



Past Events



Sunday 7th May 12.30pm to 5pm The Wellington RBL Branch Will be at the friends of Wellington Park Coronation Spring Fayre  


Saturday 3rd June 10pm to 4pm The Wellington RBL Branch Will be at the Wellington Street Fair 


Saturday 17th June 10 am Wellington's Annual Armed Forces Day Service in Wellington Park, this will include a short service about armed forces, followed by the head boy and head girl, Followed by the town's Armed Forces day event started at 10.30 am in Wellington recreation ground.


Wellington Poppy Launch- 26th October 2023 , this is when you will start to see poppy boxes,tins and other poppy appeal items appear and we still be in the manned stalls

From Thursday 26th October to Saturday 11th November poppy appeal 2023 is running. normal information to be released closer to the time. This year wreaths are to be sold in the pop-up shop from 6th November until 11th November.

Dedication of the Field of Remembrance 12 noon Sunday 5th November 2023.


Armistice Day (National 2 Minutes Silence) 11am Saturday 11th November 2023.


Remembrance Sunday 3:15pm Wellington Park Sunday 12th November 2023



Saturday 4th June 10pm to 4pm The Wellington RBL Branch Will be at the Platinum Jubliee Street Fair 

Saturday 25th June 10pm Wellington's Annual Armed Forces Day Service in Wellington Park, this will including a short service about armed forces, followed by the head boy and head girl from the branch's affiliated School, Rockwell Green C of E Primary school scattering the ashes of the remembrance crosses which were collected from the Field of remembrance and war memorial after remembrance tide, the event will conclude with a laying of wreaths on the war memorial and a closing prayer. 

Wellington Poppy Launch- 28th October 2022 (approx), this is when you will start to see poppy boxes,tins and other poppy appeal items appear

From Saturday 29th October to Saturday 12th November is when poppy appeal 2022 is running. normal information to be released closer to the time.


Dedication of the Field of Remembrance 12 noon Sunday 6th November 2022.


Armistice Day (National 2 Minutes Silence) 11am Friday 11th November 2022.


Remembrance Sunday 3:15pm Wellington Park Sunday 13th November 2022


Thursday 28th October 2021 is the National Launch of the Poppy Appeal, this is when you will start seeing the poppy boxes,tins and other poppy appeal items appearing.

From Thursday 28th October to Saturday 13th November is when Poppy Appeal 2021 is running.

Places you will find Wellington Branch Manned Stalls at:

Thursday 28th October to Monday 1st November (excluding Sunday) outside the Old Post Office

Thursday 28th to Saturday 13th November Wellington Co-op

Thursday 28th to Saturday 13th November Wellington ASDA

Monday 1st November (aiming for mid-day) to Saturday 13th November Pop-up Shop From the Pop-up Shop you can order wreaths and Collect any ordered Wreaths Don't Go to the Scout Hall No-one will be there. 

Armistice Day November 11th 2021- See Armistice Page

Remembrance Sunday- See Remembrance Sunday Page.




6th January was the date of the Somerset County Conference at Writhlington School, Radstock.

We are proud to note that the Branch Standard Bearer, Bob Trickey, won the 'Most Improved Standard Bearer of 2016' of which the appropriate was awarded to him. We are also glad to report that the Branch Secretary, Peter Critchard, was presented with a 'Certificate of Appreciation' to his involvement to the County Conference Committee.

We held our first Branch meeting of the new year. It was announced that Mrs Monica Summers had stepped down as the Branch Poppy Appeal Organisor, the members showed their appreciation for all the hard work that she had done over the last 16 years. Her replacement is Mrs Angie Filler, we wish her well in the coming years for this very important position.

On Friday 20th October our annual Poppy Appeal Concert was launched, this year with a change of entertainment. These were Wellington Silver Band, Somerset Hills Chorus and Esta Felix who is 17yrs old, a music student at Wellington School. Esta writes her music and songs/hymns and plays a variety of musical instruments. The concert was a huge success, well over 80 people and this year we made a large profit. (Last year the concert made a loss) A big congratulation to Angie Filler who organised the concert.

Dates for the rest of this year. 5th November, Field of Remembrance at 12pm, 11th November, Armistice Day parade in the town centre for the 2min silence, 12th November is the Wellington Remembrance Service which is being held in the Wellington Park at 3.15pm. Muster begins at Wellington School from 2.30pm leaving in formation at 2.55pm. All are welcome.

21st November our branch meeting together with our AGM. this starts at 7pm in the Wellington Football Club, North Street car park.

There will not be a December branch meeting



Coming dates for the rest of 2016.

Oct 14th Galla performance Concert at Wellington School 1930.

Oct 18th Annual visit to Wellington Cemetery by the children of Rockwell Green Primary School to lay flowers and crosses. Those that would like to see the event please meet at the cemetery gate 1330hrs

Nov 6th Field of Remembrance @ Baptist Church, South Street, Wellington 12 noon

Nov 11th Two-minute silence town centre 1050 for 1100hrs.

Nov 13th Remembrance Service @ Wellington Park memorial 1500hrs. For parade purposes, we will muster on the square, Wellington School, departing at 1455 to arrive in Wellington Park to begin the 1515 Remembrance Service.

Dec 10th Branch Coffee Morning @ United Reform Church, Fore Street, Wellington, 1000 - 1200 hrs.

All are welcome at the above events

On 18th October once again the children of Rockwell Green Primary School together with this branch, County Chairman, Mjr Robert McDonald, The Wellington Town Mayor, Bob Bowrah, branch members, and other dignitaries went to the Wellington Cemetery to lay crosses and flowers by the children. This will be an annual and civic event.

6th Nov Field of Remembrance 1200hrs at The Baptist Church, South St, Wellington. Crosses were laid by members of the public and dignitaries.

We held the Armatise two-minute silence in Wellington town centre, marching down to the crossroads where we had the two-minute silence. It was noted that many of the public crowds were there to watch the parade.

Then on Sunday, Remembrance Day, in the morning we went over to Langville Budleigh to join in their service. Our branch standard bearer also took part. In the afternoon from 1430 members of various organisations, the Wellington CCF, the Wellington ACF (The Rifles), veterans from around the areas, the branch chairman, the branch standard-bearer, branch members, the Wellington Town mayor, Taunton Deane mayor and dignitries paraded on the Great Square, Wellington School. At precisely 1455 we set off, led by the CCF Band, marched down to Wellington Park where the Remembrance service was given. 

This again proved to be very popular with far more of the public, members of the Royal British Legion Riders branch and various other organisations.

November 15th we held our Annual General Meeting. Previous officers re-elected then our normal branch meeting. We now have 48 members