poppy field





Saturday 21 October - Breakfast Club, Wetherspoon's, Concord, Washington 10.00 - 12.00

Saturday 28 October - Field of Remembrance parade - Holy Trinity, Usworth, muster 10.30

Saturday 04 November - Field of Remembrance parade - Saltwell Park, Gateshead 10.00

Wednesday 8 November - Monthly Branch Meeting 7pm - North Biddick Social Club, Bonemill Lane, Fatfield

Saturday 11 November (Armistice day) - Armistice day parade Washington Galleries - Muster 10.45

Sunday 12 November (Remembrance Sunday) -  Church parade - Holy Trinity Washington Village -  Remembrance parade - Cenotaph, Washington Village

Saturday 18 November - Breakfast Club, Wetherspoon's, Concord, Washington 10.00 - 12.00

Saturday 09 December - Annual Christmas Fair - Washington Village

Saturday 09 December - Branch annual Christmas dinner - North Biddick Social Club, Bonemill Lane, Fatfield

Saturday 16 December - Breakfast Club, Wetherspoon's, Concord, Washington 10.00 - 12.00







A social evening at Sunderland dog track, including a meal and transport, has been suggested. further announcements will be made as more information becomes available. Anyone interested should please contact the branch Chairman via email.

It has been suggested that we hold another visit to Hebburn to re-connect with our neighbouring branch. Hebburn club has a spacious bar and a well equipped games room.

If any member has a suggestion for future events, please contact a Branch Officer or member of the Branch Committee; better still, attend the monthly Branch meeting and have your say.