poppy field


County Conference 2017

The County held it's annual conference on Saturday 21st January 2017 at Partington Working Men's Club.  The Conference was addressed by Una Clemison National Vice-Chairman and Canine Partners.

At the conference the Branch were awarded the Jack White VC Cup for the best branch in the county for efficiency and progress.



Christmas Dinner with the Veterans at Patrick House on Thursday 22nd December 2016

 Patrick House

Remembrance 2016

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Lifetime Legion Membership Awarded to Tyldesley Veteran

Tyldesley veteran John ‘Jack’ Shaw Robinson’s 44-year service to The Royal British Legion (RBL) has been celebrated with a civic reception, held at Compassion in Action’s Patrick House on Leigh Road.

Seventy-nine-year-old Jack has been Secretary and Treasurer of his local branch for the past 18 years. He was awarded lifetime membership to the Legion and received by guests of honour including the Mayor and Mayoress of Wigan Borough, Ron and Janet Conway; the High Sheriff of Greater Manchester, Lady Smith DL; and Lord Peter Smith of Wigan Council.

“It was a lovely surprise to see so many dignitaries as well as colleagues from the Royal British Legion, including Denise Edgar from our Board of Trustees who had travelled down from York, and David Brown, our Chairman from Greater Manchester,” says Jack, who signed up to the Royal Navy in 1955 and served for seven years overseas in Cyprus and Egypt – including throughout the Suez Crisis – and was on reserve for a further decade.

“My wife Sylvia and our friends had a wonderful afternoon. I would like to thank my Tyldesley branch colleague Keith Stott who organised the event, and all those who attended.”

The reception also marked the one-year anniversary of our Veterans’ Brunch, which was held for the first time on 9 October 2015.

“Each Thursday, these fantastic facilities give our local veterans a place to meet up and chat,” says Keith. “Drinks and a two-course meal are provided free of charge. On behalf of all those who attend, thank you very much to Compassion in Action for all you do for us.

‘As a representative of the RBL, these weekly meetings have given us the opportunity to pass on information – linking in with the knowledge and experience already in place. By supporting and working together, all of us can see that we can make a difference.”

Following his service, Mr Robinson worked for United Friendly Insurance, rising to the position of Area Manager. Now retired, he spends his time volunteering for the RBL and visiting ex-servicemen who are lonely or experiencing ill-health, providing them with much-valued companionship.

“Like all veterans, Mr Robinson is a great asset to our community and an inspiration to all our Recovery Academy Members,” says Pam Gilligan, our Chief Executive.

“We are very grateful for his service to our country, to the Legion and for his contribution to our weekly Veterans’ Brunch meetings. It is our great pleasure to have been able to help celebrate his lifetime membership to the Legion. We look forward to another year of supporting our valued forces here at Patrick House.”

If you would like to know more about our Veterans’ Brunch, held every Thursday from 11am to 1pm, please telephone 01942 418830.

A Collection of REMEMBRANCE POEMS by Class 4JW St Geroge's Central Primary School

To Read the Booklet please click here

This booklet of poems was compiled by the class and is excellent and moving reading.  The booklet has been published and costs £3.00 from the Branch Secretary.

The Secretary sent a copy of the Poem Booklet to Rt Hon Michael Grove MP; Secretary of State and his kind reply is below.

MP letter