The 2015 / 2016 Poppy Appeal Organisers

Peter, Geoff & David
Photos from Previos Years:

This years Poppy Appeal was given a boost by Council Chairman Julien Parrott who collected outside Union Square on the Saturday of Remembrance Weekend.
The Torquay Branch of The Royal British Legion was well represented at this years Remembrance Day Parade on Torquay Harbourside.
Branch Standard Bearer Dan Fisher took a lead role marching with the Paignton Branch Standard Bearer Ronnie Carter at the head of the Parade behind the Union Flag. They were followed by Branch Chairman David Pritchard who laid a Wreath on behalf of the Branch.
On the Eleventh hour of the Eleventh day of the Eleventh month.
Marking the two minute Silence on Armistice Day outside Torquay Town Hall watched by children from Ellacombe Academy and Cockington Primary School. The Torquay Branch Standard was carried by Standard Bearer Dan Fisher. The Royal British Legion Torquay Branch was represented by President Col. Gerald Arnold, Chairman David Pritchard, Secretary and Poppy Appeal Organiser Jennifer Elliott and Committee member Terry Hill.
Town Centre Collections
This year was the first time a stall was present in the town centre for for the full two weeks of Remembrancetide. The stall became a focal point for the Legion and proved a success with both the Branch and public. The stall was manned daily by Committee Members Dan Fisher and Neil Gibson as well as Members and Volunteers Steve Coe and Arthur Pheasey. First time Volunteer Betty enjoyed her first day so much that she volunteered for the remainder of the Poppy Appeal and has already put her name down for next year.